Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage is given with the client undressed and draped safely on the massage table. A soft table warmer provides nurturing warmth and can be adjusted to your comfort level. Gentle, relaxing music is played while organic, warmed coconut oil or lotion is applied directly to your skin in smooth, flowing strokes with pressure. You can tell me if you’d like me to sink deeper into your tissue. I can often feel the boundary, so communication is not required.
Emphasis and time are allotted to joint areas you’d like me to focus on. Techniques like passive stretching, positional release, and cross fiber are used to help open areas of complaint. I allow your body to engage in a dialogue with me so that each technique feels good, effective, and relaxing.
Organic essential oils like Geranium, Lavender, or Orange are incorporated into the session. Peppermint is often applied to the feet as it is cooling. If you have any preferences or dislikes, you may tell me before we begin.
I allow a few minutes of quiet and stillness at the end of the massage. It is important you have space to renter the world calmly as your nervous system has been given a deep rest. Clients often report feeling revived and “in flow” after a therapeutic massage session.
“Thank you for another excellent and effective session. It relieved my pain and discomfort, and restored my balance and equilibrium. Most of all, thank you for the deep conversation about things that really matter.”
Special Rate Program
Schedule by email or call 707.477.5402
I offer reduced rates for Seniors (over 65+), Students (age 21 and under), and active Teachers.
Seniors: 1 hour – $145
Teachers: 1 hour – $135
Students: 1 hour – $135
1 hour Hendrickson Method sessions are the rate listed plus $5